Portfolio Management

What is Portfolio Management ?

It is essential for individuals to invest wisely for the rainy days and to make their future secure.

What is a Portfolio ?

A portfolio refers to a collection of investment tools such as stocks, shares, mutual funds, bonds, cash and so on depending on the investor’s income, budget and convenient time frame.

Following are the two types of Portfolio:

Market Portfolio
Zero Investment Portfolio

What is Portfolio Management ?

The art of selecting the right investment policy for the individuals in terms of minimum risk and maximum return is called as portfolio management.

Portfolio management refers to managing an individual’s investments in the form of bonds, shares, cash, mutual funds etc so that he earns the maximum profits within the stipulated time frame.

Portfolio management refers to managing money of an individual under the expert guidance of portfolio managers.
In a layman’s language, the art of managing an individual’s investment is called as portfolio management.

Need for Portfolio Management

Portfolio management presents the best investment plan to the individuals as per their income, budget, age and ability to undertake risks. Portfolio management minimizes the risks involved in investing and also increases the chance of making profits. Portfolio managers understand the client’s financial needs and suggest the best and unique investment policy for them with minimum risks involved. Portfolio management enables the portfolio managers to provide customized investment solutions to clients as per their needs and requirements.